Five Benefits To Picking The Right Divorce Attorney

Getting divorced is hard, and can be made all the more difficult when you fail to secure adequate legal representation. If you take on this daunting task by yourself, or go to a family law attorney that does not have your best interests at heart the results can be pretty damaging. For instance, you may end up seeing less of your children, splitting assets and liabilities unfairly, and starting your new life without the benefit of a healthy emotional outlook. We take pride in making sure our clients take part in the process at every step of the way, and are satisfied with the results obtained. Our approach is one where we aggressively pursue remedies that meet your needs, while helping you find solutions that work for your personal life as well. We understand a divorce is hard on the entire family, including extended family members and sometimes even close friends, so take a proactive stance on the issues that matter the most to you.

Five benefits to picking the right divorce attorney include:

  • The financial distribution, which includes how property is divided during divorce, will be fair. The legal standard is that property division is equitable, and too many times litigants believe this means an equal sharing of assets and an equal responsibility for the debts that have been acquired. However, a 50/50 split is not always equitable because there are factors other than what a balance sheet shows at play. For instance, if one spouse gave up a career to raise children and take care of the home, it would not be fair to give that spouse a lesser amount of property simply because they did not work to earn the wage that paid for the property. A better approach is to look at every contribution made by the parties, whether financially or otherwise. This can include things like taking care of the kids for the benefit of the family as a whole, and providing the emotional support needed by young children or special needs family members. The right divorce attorney will make sure all the factors are considered when a final decision is made regarding division of assets and liabilities.
  • The emotional benefit to partnering with an attorney you trust, and feel comfortable talking to about your private life. The divorce process has a tendency to “air dirty laundry” and it is crucial that you do not have any hesitation about what you share with your attorney. Complete honesty is a must, and you will find once you are able to tell your entire story to an attorney you like, part of the emotional burden associated with ending a marriage is lifted.
  • The uncertainty about the legal process is made clear when you enlist the assistance of a qualified family law attorney. Attorneys that are unable to answer basic questions about procedure will likely mean your case is not given priority or that important deadlines are missed. This kind of headache is avoided by using an attorney with the experience and knowledge needed to properly represent your interests.
  • The certainty that comes with using a competent attorney can help to ease the uncertainty you feel about filing a divorce, or answering in a case. Do your research and make sure the attorney you pick is one that is upfront about the fee arrangement and is willing to take the time to talk to you. An office that is staffed with support personnel that ushers you in and out quickly, or where an attorney does the same, will likely not give you the individualized attention you deserve. On the flip side, a knowledgeable support staff and patient legal professional are beneficial because you can rest easy knowing your case is not just a number.
  • The confidence you gain by asking questions and getting answers will help you throughout your case. If you feel an uncertainty about asking for information, you will feel in the dark throughout the entire process. Look for an attorney that is willing to answer your questions to your satisfaction, and ask questions of you in return. This type of give and take dialogue is essential to any type of legal representation, and goes a long way in calming the jittery nerves that so often arise with divorce.

If you are considering divorce, or have been served with divorce papers and are wondering where to turn for help, we can help. We will be happy to sit down with you and help to develop a strategy that makes sense.

For answers to your questions about divorce, consult a qualified legal professional. Call the Deaton Law Firm in Cypress at (916) 608-8891 to schedule your appointment today.

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